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Brisbane dog and cat owners can now pay for veterinary care using Qoin instead of cash, in an industry first.

The Brisbane southern suburbs based mobile vet service, Vetpoint, owned and operated by small animal veterinarian, Dr. Cindy Tan, is the first veterinary clinic to accept payment in the digital currency.

Established in 2014, Vetpoint is a mobile house call vet practice that offers both Western medicine, which is the standard conventional practice, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment options for canine and feline patients.

A certified veterinary acupuncturist who has a special interest in in small animal internal medicine, Dr. Tan aims to ‘provide the best of both worlds to client and patient’.

“By combining both conventional and complementary veterinary medicine, I strive to deliver the best possible holistic care for the wellness of pets.”

Dr. Tan made the move to Qoin to provide her clients with an alternative payment method to cash for veterinary bills and is confident it will be readily taken up by her south Brisbane client base.

“Qoin is a great option for clients if they are restricted by cash flow.

“Having a sick pet is stressful enough for cat and dog owners. By offering an additional payment method, I can help to alleviate some of their worries.

“I’m confident that my clients will be happy paying in Qoin and by freeing up their cash, they may be able to invest more in their pet’s health using digital currency.

“As a business owner, Qoin is risk free and its value has the potential to increase with time, making it an easy choice to integrate it as a payment option into my vet practice.”

Dr. Tan can be contacted at [email protected] or (07) 3102 2538

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