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Tucking into native Australian flavours

It was a yearning to share the cultural and spiritual connection traditional bush tucker has offered her that prompted Sharon Winsor to develop a range of quality native products.

As a youngster growing up in the western NSW town of Mudgee, Sharon (below), a proud Ngemba Weilwan woman, spent much of her spare time collecting bush fruits and catching yabbies.

It was this pastime that she says fuelled her passion for sharing Aboriginal food in its purest form with others. In 1996 she began a career in catering, serving Western Sydney with a taste of the Outback whilst developing and testing innovative ready-to-use natural products.

During this time, she found it increasingly difficult to source native ingredients, so after much research and a good dose of passion, in 2012 she launched Indigiearth – a decade on, the 100 per cent Aboriginal owned and established business is turning the bush tucker it gathers into gourmet offerings.

“Indigiearth takes 60,000 years of my culture and heritage and packages it into products that people can enjoy in their home every day,” Sharon says proudly.

Wild harvesting where possible, Indigiearth’s raw native fruits, produce and materials are purchased from Aboriginal communities across the country ensuring that employment, income, and education remain within the community.

“Our retail products range from confectionary, native loose-leaf teas and, chutneys to skincare products, showcasing the health and wellbeing benefits of native ingredients.”

One of the standout products in her range is Kakadu Plum Superfood Powder.

“Kakadu plum is a native fruit containing the highest vitamin C content in the world. One Kakadu plum is equivalent to 80 oranges,” Sharon explains.

Indigiearth also offers the Warakirri Dining experience, turning her humble bush tucker cafe by day into an intimate cultural and dining experience, including five-course degustation, for groups of up to 16 guests by night.

With interest in the business ever-increasing, its owner, also an accomplished Aboriginal performer, decided it was time to add a new forward-thinking flavour to the operation, digital currency.

“I’m glad that I jumped on board and have taken advantage of Qoin. The way that it was presented to me helped me to understand how it works and how it can benefit my business,” she tells us.


“The network that Qoin has is quite amazing… there’s a whole network to market to. We’ve been accepting Qoin for three months now and it’s been going quite well. I’m impressed by how many people do use Qoin.”


It’s a step in the right direction for Indigiearth, which has become much more than just a business to Sharon.

“It’s my healing, my passion and runs deep within my soul.”

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