An interest in how the mind works is what drove Andrew Pearce into a career that is focused on helping people overcome crippling stress. It is this inquisitive nature that also led him to Qoin.
“I started studying psychology at the beginning of 2014,” he said. “Within a few months it led me to a definition and understanding of human behaviour and life coaching, which is really understanding the invisible driving forces behind why we do what we do … I love it.”
Professionally, Andrew Pearce Pty Ltd’s mission is to share the passion he has for personal growth and show others that ‘they are not victims of their own experience, they are the creators’.
“The programs I create are around that mental and emotional mastery and how to be at your best mentally and emotionally,” he noted.
Later this month (July 24), Australia will acknowledge Stress Down Day, a nationwide health initiative that aims to offer workplaces and individuals a chance to take stock and think about ways to manage mental health.
“The biggest tip I have [for those who may be struggling] is to learn how to healthfully regulate your emotions,” Andrew suggested.
“A tip for that is to give yourself permission to feel however you’re feeling. If you’re feeling lost or confused or doubtful or like an imposter, just let yourself know that it is OK to feel that way and you’ll begin to step back, take a couple of breaths, and it’ll allow emotion to be an energy in motion and space for your emotions to shift on of their own accord.”
Andrew offers free and paid programs to assist with the day-to-day stresses business leaders face. Dependent on the program a client opts for, he is happy to discuss Qoin as a form of payment.
While Andrew’s focus is on helping business owners avoid or recover from burnout, by joining the digital currency community he’s providing his clients an alternative payment stream, which he hopes may just alleviate some of the stress.
“What attracted me was the option to sell something on Qoin and be able to have a new avenue for clients to come into the business,” he told us.
“I also like that I can sell something for X amount of dollars, and then hold onto the Qoin and keep tabs on it over time.”
Those looking for assistance with managing stress and personal development can contact Andrew via the Qoin Directory, Facebook, or his website.